Happy Valentine’s Day! Isn’t that a sweet vintage postcard? Such a pretty little girl. My grandmother received the card from a girlfriend when she was a young woman. My mother is now the caretaker of Grandma’s postcard collection and from time to time I’ll share one with you. Please feel free to take this for your own personal use.
Today is a special day in our household, not because it is Valentine’s Day, but because my youngest son is celebrating his 18th birthday. As usual I am experiencing a range of emotions, but mostly I am just happy. A sweet, charming little boy, William has grown to be a sweet, thoughtful young man. Every morning this school year he has greeted me with a cheery “Top o’ the morning to ya’!” I’m going to miss that daily dose of sunshine when he heads off to college in the fall. But, I’m pretty sure he’ll be sharing a lot of cheer on campus and that’s a very good thing.
Birthday gifts this year are all about art, specifically ceramics. Will just finished up a second class in ceramics and discovered he loves the entire process. After haunting Craig’s List he located a potter’s wheel and a small kiln within driving distance and for $50.00 each. Score! After driving out for a quick look, we purchased both items keeping our fingers crossed that the kiln was operable. Several days later we journeyed into Seattle to Seattle Pottery Supply to purchase basic tools, clay and glazes. Within an hour of returning home William was happily throwing his first pot to the accompaniment of classical music.
This weekend the little old kiln successfully bisque fired its first load of pottery for our budding artist. We have a very, very happy boy!
In that stack of mugs and bowls is a tea bowl for me. Once glazed and refired, I will share the finished project with you. I can hardly wait!
Lesley Austin says
Happy Birthday to Will! And good wishes on the pottery journey…it seems rather wondrous to be able to make such things.
You know I am right there with you, Dori, as our youngest sons prepare to leave home. You are being very brave about it-at the moment anyway. : )
Alexandra says
Wow ~ they look so fresh and lovely. I would take them all in white! Hugs and kisses ~ Carmen