I am now a sewer of fabric surgical style masks. I have sewn many things over the years, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be sewing masks to help protect my friends and family from a deadly virus. But, here we are.
On February 21, Washington State had the dubious honor of having the first Coronavirus case in the U.S. confirmed, and on the 29th, the first virus related death in my state was recorded. Just like that, we became the epicenter of what will likely soon be deemed a pandemic. Having followed the developing situation in China, I did not have a good feeling about where this might be heading, and evidently many others didn’t have a good feeling about it either.
On March 1, the crazy run by everyone and their brother for toilet paper, surgical masks, hand-sanitizer, and bulk foods began. Costco, where I had casually shopped just four days before, was sold out of t.p. by the end of the weekend, and many local grocery stores were also mobbed. My husband and I had already talked about stocking up on many basics. We live in earthquake country and we really should have several weeks of supplies on hand. Hence my decision to bob across the pond to Costco. No time like the present to prepare for the “Big One.” My gosh, I’m so glad I went last week.
On Wednesday of this week, March 5, Boeing and a number of other large companies advised employees who could work remotely from home to do so. My Boeing engineer husband actually began working from home at the beginning of the week. We want to keep this virus away from our house, not just for us, but also to help keep it away from our parents, who we may need to see and assist from time to time as this situation develops.
What a time, what a time….. I am concerned, not necessarily frightened, but definitely concerned.
Be safe! Be well! Wash your hands!
Links to patterns for the masks I am sewing are below:
Pleated surgical style with filter pocket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QrW4zIjMwY
Shaped mask (also fits over a N95): http://www.eymm.com/masks/