It’s one of those lovely misty northwest mornings. A gentle, but drenching mist is falling from clouds that hover just over the tops of the trees. Some people find such weather dismal and dreary, but I find it somewhat comforting and nourishing. All of nature seems to quiet and breathe deeply.
After dropping my son off at school, I donned my jacket and walked down to the meadow for a few moments. I walked slowly so as not to disturb our resident does, still bedded down not far from the road’s edge. They, too, seem to be enjoying the quiet morning.
After returning from my walk I went to my garden and gathered the first peony blooms. I tucked in a red rose and few sprigs of honeysuckle. It smells so lovely and fresh. My bouquet sits next to me as I type.
As much as I’d like to take my flowers to work with me, I’ll leave them home, because I know my family will enjoy them nearly as much as me. Next week I’ll take a big bouquet up to the shop with peonies and roses. My deep blue delphinium are nearly ready to bloom, so I’ll include those, too. A red, white and blue bouquet will fit perfectly into our new summer beachy display!