While many of you back east have been sweltering in heat and humidity, those of us in the far northwest corner of the states have been scanning the sky in the hopes of a break in the stubborn gray blanket overhead! We’ve had a few sunny spells, but they have been few and far between. It really has been a long cool and rather damp summer here in the Pacific Northwest. Most likely we’ll finally have summer weather come August, but to be on the safe side, and to store up a little Vitamin D for the winter, I’m popping my little family in the car and heading out in search of sunshine!
August 4 we head out on a good old-fashioned road trip. We’ll be driving out to the Pacific coast and heading down legendary Highway 101 to beautiful Napa Valley in California. Along the way we’ll be stopping at as many beaches, scenic overlooks, parks and monuments as we can. Hopefully we will all still be friends when we return!
Once home, I’ll quickly catch up with orders and messages, and then I have some wonderful specials to share with you! Stay tuned!
Remember, take time for tea! Sip, savor and enjoy!