There is still much fluffing to be done, but we are getting there. There are still pictures and wall racks to be hung, and linens and vintage goods to be put out, and we need to locate all the studs in the walls above the tea jars so we can hang our blackboards back up. Funny thing about this old building …the 2 x 4’s in the walls are not where one would expect them to be.
So here are a few photos for you. Now, keep in mind this is a tiny space we’re in now! The retail area is only 16 x 19! We’re going to make use of every bit of space; high, low, and in between! When you step into the shop this is what you’ll see to the right…it’s kind of the pantry area with jams and biscuits and yummies of different sorts…
and beyond that is the most important area…the tea…of course! :) The beadboard on the counter is going to get a fresh coat of paint soon….green. It got a bit dinged up in the move, but will look good as new in a jif.
and on around to the back wall where you can peak into the office/storage room/kitchenette. See my sunny window? I love that window! Natural light for my desk, what a treat! I can’t believe how much more creative, and on task, I am with all that lovely light. You should see my sketchbook! Whew Hoo!
This is in the front of the shop on the other side and is where you can come in and have a cuppa and sit and visit with us for a bit. We love that!
This last photo is of the beautiful bouquet we put together with flowers brought into us from Nancy S. and Deborah S. So sweet of them! Thank you so much!
Sharon says
Adorable~ I wish I were there~I would sit and have a cuppa~ S
FYNest says
It looks great Dori! Like Sharon, I was thinking I’d love to be there right now drinking my tea!! So cozy.
Francie of The Scented Cottage says
Oh it is looking sooooo good! I know once you finish with your special touches it will be cozy, warm and even more inviting.
metro home style says
Dori ths new shop looks GREAT! I think this was a super move for you, nothing like a fresh new space for the new year! The store looks so inviting, I think you’ll really continue to thrive here!